
Specialised Support

You can count on me to practice ethically and confidentially, within the bounds of my accreditation, understanding and experience.

Working with people is my experience – individually, in relationships and families, suffering or looking for support in life and the challenges facing them.

Person-centered therapy: believing that you, my client, have the desire and the capacity to grow towards fulfilling your true potential, whatever that may be and however it may look.

Clinical approach: after we have assessed your concerns we select the most appropriate approach, techniques or interventions and may make use of some clinical approaches that best suit your needs like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT),  Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Solution focused therapy, narrative therapy, mindfulness, meditation to name a few.

You decide if it is right for you: unconditional positive regard, trust, being at ease and able to share; feeling validated and supported.

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Grief and loss
  • Family and relationship issues
  • Addiction
  • Anger Management
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Discrimination or abuse
  • Life Transitions
  • Personal Development; career support
  • Panic Attacks
What is counselling?

Kind,non-judgemental,reliable support


Genuine interest in your well being


Enabling you to follow your own path

Thinking of reaching out?

My values and inherent bias support me to help you get on the best path for you.

It could be just one session or you may prefer ongoing support.

Contact me.

Member of  ACA

What services are available?

  • On line or in person counselling; to suit your availability, on your preferred platform, to suit your needs.
  • From a trained professional counsellor; 100% confidential

Why choose me?

  • Affordable.
  • Flexible
  • One off or ongoing
  • Support packages tailored to your specific needs and situation.
  • On your preferred communication platform to your schedule.

Counselling Services

In person

In counselling rooms, doing yoga, practising meditation, walking

– €25 per hour.

On Line

Through video, phone, email or text chat where you choose the preferred platform – €25 per hour.

Package options

What works best for you? A weekly or  monthly combination. Designed by you to suit you.

-3 for 60€ if paid up front.